First Volunteer Litter Pick!

We organised our very first volunteer litter picking session with social distancing in two groups of two. On Friday 12th June a team of 4 volunteers (including our trustee Stephanie, organising & participating) armed with litter pickers, gloves, sanitiser and bin bags wandered into the Woodland area of Ten Acres to do some litter picking for the Friends of Ten Acres. We met 3 fabulous new people (and one very intelligient little girl too) who all came togetehr to try to help us get the litter in the woodland under control. We found paint cans, chairs, boards, beer cans, sweet wrappers a plenty and lots of old plastic bags and bin bags. The site has clearly been used as a bit of a dumping ground for fly tippers as well as recreational litter bugs for many years now and we quickly filled up 3 big bin bags and a large carrier bag full of waste material.

The volunteers further helped out by each taking a bag of rubbish home with them for thier bins to help us avoid navigating a potential skip trip with no car. We are booking in the next volunteer litter pick day for next month already and have had a massive interest from volunteers already.

We forgot to take photos though! So here is a picture of our bag we took home with us (and paint can).

Where were we?


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Wellbeing in the Woods

Wed Jun 24 , 2020
Sustainable Lifes wellbeing in the woods project has not been able to continue during lockdown, but we are pleased to announce the funds have been graciously reallocated by the Lottery to allows us to provide a range of online resources for the Ten Acres site instead. So stay tuned as […]

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