Plants, flowers and hibernaculum

It was a busy and productive day this wek on ten acres in top meadow garden where we planted some wild strawberries, forget me nots and primroses into the first flower bed section. We then used some of the felled logs from the woodland side to create a hibernaculum alongside a desire path with the grass clumps saved form digging the bed creating a lovely wildlife habitat for frogs, ants, woodlouse, worms, toads and newts.

We were also really pleased to see a number of cuckoo flowers popping up as they are the preferred food source of orange tipped butterflies! The apple tree and pear thorn tree were also in full bloom and looking amazing now they had been cleared of bramble around them.


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Forest Futures continues

Fri Apr 30 , 2021
The volunteer team over on the other side of the rea got stuck in today picking up a considerable amount of litter from the bank and clearing some more weed trees and bramble that had overrun the river. Its not really starting to take shape as a beautiful landscape again […]

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