Spotted by Volunteer Stephanie. First logged 25/04/20
Arum Maculatum, common name Lords and Ladies, Cuckoo Pint.
Family Araceae
Status Commonly Widespread woodland plant.
Genus Arum are tuberous perennials with simple, arrow-head shaped leaves and tiny flowers hidden, at the base of a yellow or purple, club-shaped spadix, within a showy, hood-like spathe, and followed by red berries
Details A. maculatum is a compact tuberous perennial to about 45cm with arrow-shaped shiny green leaves often with black spots. Variable pale green to purple flushed spathes appear in late spring, followed by spikes bearing orange-red berries in the autumn. Foliage dies down by midsummer
Ten Acres Habitation
Arum Maculatum is found widely across the Ten Acres site particularly in the northern section before the bridge to the main footpath.
It domainates the woodland floor prior to the bridge but reduces in frequency significantly as you head towards the Cartland Road entrance. This plant is often hidden amoungst the Wild Garlic on site.
While not strictly poisonous they contain oxalate crystals which are very sharp and can penetrate and irritate skin for a long time and if consumed can cause the throat to close which can result in death if left untreated.
It’s a plant of damp, shady places where pets love to nose about. The strong fragrance and juicy looking berries seem to attract browsing when it is in flower.