Spotted by Volunteer annamaseko. First logged 25/07/20.
Earliest Submitted record by Volunteer Annabel (Before 2020 project began)
Tyria Jacobaeae, common name Cinnabar
Status Widespread throughout Britain and Ireland, commonly found in gardens.
Size and Family
- Family: Tigers, Ermines, Footmen and allies (Arctiids)
- Size: Medium
- Wing Span Range (male to female): 34-46mm
Conservation Status
- UK BAP: Priority species (Research only)
- Common
Caterpillar Foodplants
Ragwort and Groundsels.
More Information on Butterfly-Conservation here.
Ten Acres Habitation
At key spots along the river rea managed pathway where groundsels and ragwort are found. They can be few and far between.